The skirt's hemline is above her ankles, but well below her calves. It is decorated with swirling and floral designs in pink, dark purple, and white. The dress consists of a lavender corset top laced with a pink ribbon. Her dress has a purple theme with a pink accent. Rapunzel's dress is a traditional German dress called a "dirndl", with a longer skirt than that of a normal dirndl. She is famously known for her long golden blonde hair which is roughly around 70 feet in length. She's 5'3", with a slender frame and slightly wide hips. Rapunzel is a very beautiful 18-year old (in the film) young woman with fair skin, rosy cheeks, large green eyes, brown eyelashes, brown eyebrows and light freckles around her nose. Because of her imprisonment, she also hates restrictive rules, like those imposed by her father, and snobby royal etiquette. Her entrapment in the tower gave her adventurous drive and irrepressible spirit. Despite growing up in a tower mostly alone for the majority of her life, Rapunzel is extremely sociable and extroverted. She is fiercely protective against those who try to endanger her loved ones. Rapunzel is loyal to her friends and family and is willing to do anything for them. She loves trying new things and hanging out with her closest friends.

Rapunzel has a heart of gold she is kind, generous, caring, and trusting to most anyone she encounters.